Class Exercise C
Monday, February 7, 2011
For this class exercise, the object my partner and I decided to use was a Playstation Portable (PSP). The process of abstraction follows:
Step 1 (top left corner) is a detailed sketch of the PSP, including all the markings on the buttons and the logos printed on the casing.
In Step 2 (move right), the asthetic details on the PSP, such as the logos and indicator LED lights, and the text on the bottom row of buttons were removed.
In Step 3 (move down), the non-essential buttons on the bottom row were removed, and the outines of the main 8 buttons were also erased, leaving only the symbols that were on those buttons.
In Step 4 (move left), the shape of the PSP is simplified, the joystick is removed and only symbols indicating the function of the buttons on either side of the screen remain.
In Step 5, the structure is simplified a little further. The indicators of the buttons' funtions are also removed, leaving only crosses to suggest 4 points on either side of the screen.
We feel that Step 4 is the best representation of the PSP as it is quite simplified, but the distinctive triangle, circle, cross and square button symbols identify it easily as what it is. Step 5 is rather oversimplified, and looks like some sort of strange capsule rather than a PSP.
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