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FP - Grid and Layout
Sunday, April 10, 2011
For the layout, we used variable panel sizes, as typical in a comic. Smaller panels generally depict trivial scenes with extra information to drive the story forward, while larger (half or full page) panels are used for more important scenes. We also planned the panels across the pages for optimal story flow.

With regard to the outer borders around the panels, several issues arose. One was regarding the colour of the borders. We considered both black and white:

We eventually settled on while as it complements the soft monochrome shading of our panels better than black. Black creates a very sharp contrast, which can be jarring and may not be suitable.

Another reason we chose the white borders for the panels is because of the sketchy effect of our illustrations and colouring style. Initially, we intended to clean up any spill over colouring from the borders, like in the sample below, for a neater look:

However, during our consultation we were advised to try leaving the extra strokes in the borders to enhance the sketchy effect and make everything more congruent. After trying this out (see sample below), we decided to keep the strokes there as the sketchy feel is really what fits in with the rest of our comic:
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Neo Yu Han
NUS NM2208


Class Exercises
Class Exercise A
Class Exercise B
Class Exercise C
Class Exercise D
Class Exercise E

Assignment 1A
Assignment 1B
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Assignment 5

Final Project
Idea Development
Concept and Design
Font and Typography
Grid and Layout
Colour Exploration
Group Reflections
Final Prototype!

Zhi Kai

blogskin credits
|adobe photoshop|